Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hamitic Heritage; clues and misconceptions on the origin of the black man(Part 2)

Biblical education and history has generally been dominated by European pattern of thinking for centuries. Our perception of Biblical characters and events is based on the pattern set forth by European thinkers and historians. Da Vinci made the painting of ‘The Last Supper’ and Jesus Christ was made to be a white man. Imagine a black artist painting Jesus black in his artwork! The church and the general public will scream heresy, just like they’ve done to Madonna. Yet, it’s the same thing; nobody has proved beyond reasonable doubt that Jesus was white. Today, every representation of Jesus conforms to the Da Vinci illustration of the messiah. Actors must be costumed to conform to this dogmatic picture if they want to act Jesus in movies. Jesus trod the surface of this earth more than 2000 year ago. So far, there has not been discovered, any picture, portrait, sculpture or statue of Jesus that has survived from his time. So nobody really knows what He looked like. He could have been olive skinned like a typical Jew; he could be fair skinned or colored like a black man. For convenience, people have generally come to accept the Da Vinci portrayal of Jesus Christ as the standard. Nevertheless, historical evidences point to the appearance of the black race in the lineage of Jesus. Mathew chapter 1 lists the lineage of Jesus Christ. Note that when the Israelites were coming out of Egypt , a mixed multitude went out with them (exod 12:38). Now, inferring from the black heritage of Egypt , many Egyptians must have been part of the Israelites that went out. Joseph, who became the second highest ruler in Egypt , married an Egyptian woman (most probably a black woman). Joseph married Asenath, the daughter of Pharaoh. It was this same Joseph that became the father of two major tribes in Israel ; Ephraim and Manasseh. Moses, the Hebrew leader married Zipporah, the daughter of Reuel, the Ethiopian Midianite. Now, the daughters of Reuel told their father that an Egyptian saved them. If Egyptians were majorly black people and Moses had resembled them, then most probably, Moses must have been a black. Genealogically, Black Africans are called the sons of Cush . Cush is the Hebrew word for black; it is the Biblical name of Ethiopia . Can the Ethiopian change his skin? (Jer 13:23). In second Samuel 18:21, during Absalom’s revolt against David, we come across Ha Cushie, who brought the news of Absalom’s death to David. In Hebrew, the etymological meaning of Cush is black. Zephaniah, one of the minor prophets in the old testament, was called the son of Cushie. Cushie means ‘the black one’ (Zeph 1:1). Also in the same Zephaniah chapter one, the Bible gives a short list of the family links. Here is the shocker; King Hezekiah was a grand uncle to Zephaniah. This was the same Hezekiah, who is a direct ancestor of Jesus Christ.

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